That doesn't make much sense.


Quite so. That is why we have come to the
temple of darkness. Here, each of you must
face that which you fear or misunderstand.
If you succeed you may pass on to the temple
light and learn to fulfill your dreams.

Now, you first, Jim. You're the fellow who
keeps saying that his drug use doesn't
hurt anyone. There are some people who
want to meet you.

They walk into the cave. It is dark, lighted by
flickering torch light.


What is this place?


It is a prison, a special kind of prison.
All the people in it have been sent here
for the crimes of others.


There aint no place like that.


Oh there is Jim, and you should know that
because you helped to build it.


What the hell are you talking about?
I never worked on no prison.

The lights snap on in a cell at the side of the
corridor. In it is an illegal Mexican alien.


You bastard! You put me in here. I'll
kill you for this!

The Mexican lunges and takes a grab for Jim through
the bars but the Wizard pulls him out of the way.

The Shadow of Drugs © Copyright 2004 Brian Afton
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